Childhood ACT

Copyright 2002 by QualityMetric Incorporated. Asthma Control Test is a trademark of QualityMetric Incorporated.

Questions to be completed by child.

Copyright 2002 by QualityMetric Incorporated. Asthma Control Test is a trademark of QualityMetric Incorporated.

How is your asthma today?

How much of a problem is your asthma when you run, exercise, or play sports?

Do you cough because of your asthma?

Do you wake up during the night because of asthma?

Questions to be completed by parent/carer.

Copyright 2002 by QualityMetric Incorporated. Asthma Control Test is a trademark of QualityMetric Incorporated.

During the past 4 weeks, how many days did your child have any daytime asthma symptoms?

During the last 4 weeks, how many days did your child wheeze during the day because of asthma?

During the last 4 weeks, how many days did your child wake up during the night because of asthma?